For the few folks that read this blog…

Posted September 15, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Misc.

I have decided to shut things back down again. Perhaps permanently. I have neither the time nor inclination to chase down news stories all day. Attempting to compete with blogs that have fully developed sites, ads and time to watch news shows, talk shows and commentary is futile. I have no desire to develop a site, chase down ads, and try and beat the heavily saturated market of political blogs. Frankly if you are not first out there with a story or opinion, you are just repeating another persons words.  Thanks again for the few who have looked, but the real world of work, family and just trying to keep my head above water take priority.

Any of the fine sites in my Blogroll will more than make up for my dropping out.


Congrats Christine O’Donnell

Posted September 15, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Politics

Now, go win the election, and get to work. You have been given a rare chance. Don’t waste it. An remember, you work for Delaware, not for pundits. Of course, you do not seem to have a problem recognizing who you work for. Sorry Carl, I have to disagree with you…you sound like an elitist. An insider. You seem to think unless we vote for the the Republican establishment, we are fools.

Posted September 15, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: DBD

Imam Fuzzy is a slumlord?

Posted September 14, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Ground Zero mosque

Wow, who would of thought he was a scumbag? When he is such a fine, upstanding member of the community?


Could not have happened to a nicer guy…guess even his BFF Bloomberg could not cover up this mess. Of course this has nothing to do with the mosque issue, right?

Thanks again Pamela. Don’t give this rat room to breathe.

More from Moore

Posted September 14, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Ground Zero mosque

Michael Moore suggests building Ground Zero mosque at Ground Zero!

Story here.

Mikey. I say this with all the respect I can muster for you.


Regardless if your intent is to show tolerance, or ignite a firestorm,  Shut Up!

If this is the best way you can get attention drawn to your sorry self, Shut Up!

If you think  this is helping either side, Shut Up!

Don’t go away mad, just…go away!

Posted September 14, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: DBD

This just in…

Posted September 13, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Politics

Apparently the IG of the DOJ has decided to look into Barry and the boys selective prosecution of Civil Rights cases by the Voting Rights office.

The always on the ball Michelle Malkin got her hands on a copy of the letter. Link to her breaking story here.

Best of luck to IG Glenn Fine. You can bet immense pressure will be brought to bear on you to “just forget this.” I hope you are up to the task of exposing this rats nest. Keep us up to date via Michelle M.

Oh really?

Posted September 13, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Ground Zero mosque

Imam Fuzzy thinks the Gound Zero mosque site is not hallowed ground:

The Associated Press.

Well, tell you what Fuzzy, the neighborhood may contain a strip club and a betting parlor, but neither strippers nor bookies attacked us 9 years ago! The one unifying factor in the scumbags that hijacked our planes and killed our citizens was their faith. Period. They were Muslims! And you want to build a monument to the very beliefs that attempted to destroy us! Some of us are on to you. As I have said before, this is not new. The Muslim faith is one of domination, death and control. You can spin it any way you want, but this is plain and simple a symbol of victory.

Full text of Article:

Imam says NYC mosque site is not ‘hallowed ground’

By JENNIFER PELTZ (AP) – 59 minutes ago

NEW YORK — It may be two blocks from ground zero, but the site of a proposed mosque and Islamic center shouldn’t been seen as sacrosanct in a neighborhood that also harbors a strip club and a betting parlor, the cleric leading the effort said Monday.

Making an ardent case for the compatibility of Islam and American values, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf reiterated that he was searching for a solution to the furor the project has created. But he left unanswered exactly what he had in mind.

If anything, Rauf only deepened the questions around the project’s future, telling an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank that he was “exploring all options” — but declining to specify them — and underscoring what he saw as the importance of a location that would draw attention to his message of promulgating moderate Islam. And while opponents of the project see it as insulting the memories of the thousands killed by Muslim extremists in the 2001 terrorist attacks, Rauf said he didn’t see it as sacred memorial space.

“It’s absolutely disingenuous, as many have said, that that block is hallowed ground,” Rauf said, noting the nearby exotic dance and betting businesses. “So let’s clarify that misperception.”

The proposed Islamic center has become a flashpoint for worldwide debate about Islam’s place in America nine years after the Sept. 11 attacks. Controversy has colored the fall campaign season and cast a a shadow on this past weekend’s commemoration of the attacks, with supporters and opponents of the mosque project both holding rallies nearby.

Rauf says a project meant to foster understanding has become unduly mired in conflict and what he describes as misconceptions of a fundamental clash between Islamic and American values. The Kuwait-born imam used his own life story as an example, saying that his own faith had been shaped by the sense of choosing one’s identity that American society provided, compared with the predominantly Muslim society from which he emigrated in 1965.

“I’m a devout Muslim … and I’m also a proud American citizen,” said Rauf, noting that he was naturalized in 1979 and has a niece serving in the U.S. Army. “I vote in elections. I pay taxes. I pledge allegiance to the flag. And I’m a Giants fan.”

He said Monday that the Islamic center’s organizers were surprised by the uproar and might not have pursued it had they known what was coming.

“The events of these past few weeks have really saddened me to my very core,” he said, lamenting that the project had been misunderstood, clouded by stereotypes, and “exploited” by some to push personal or political agendas.

But he declined to detail any strategy for quieting the clamor — or say whether that might include moving the project.

“We are exploring all options as we speak right now, and we are working through what will be a solution, God willing, that will resolve this crisis, defuse it and not create any unforeseen or untoward circumstances that we do not want to see happen,” Rauf said during a question-and-answer session following his speech. “Everything is on the table. … We really are focused on solving it, and solving it in the way that will create the best possible outcome for all.”

He suggested the locale’s high profile served an important purpose for the proposed $100 million Islamic center, which organizers describe as featuring prayer space, but also a swimming pool, culinary school, art studios and other features.

“We need to create a platform where the voice of moderate Muslims would be amplified,” Rauf said. “This is an opportunity that we must capitalize on so that those who teach moderation will have a mega-horn.”

But to at least some who listened to his talk Monday, that’s not what Rauf is doing.

Fouad Ajami, a Middle East studies professor at Johns Hopkins University, said Rauf’s appearance didn’t change his misgivings about the mosque project.

“I just think it’s provocative,” Ajami said. While organizers may have the right to build it, “the prudence of it, the wisdom of it” is the question, he said.

Congrats America, Pamela Geller and Atlas Shrugs!

Posted September 13, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: Ground Zero mosque

Nothing I say could add or detract from the pictures and videos here at Atlas Shrugs. This is America. Voicing our concerns in a peaceful, but forceful way. We will not be silenced. We will be heard. No matter what tags you try and hang on us, no matter how you try and marginalize us, you cannot ignore us. Believe it or not people in power, we do have an opinion. And you may not like it. Tough. Deal with it. You may not agree with us, but ignore us at your own peril.

Posted September 13, 2010 by cdat88
Categories: DBD